Lots of variety in a small space: the Emmy Cat Tree from Kerbl Pet offers numerous opportunities for playing, scratching, hiding and resting, so your cat will certainly not get bored.
Claw care made easy: the various pillars covered with natural sisal allow your cat to give free rein to its need to scratch and stretch while sharpening and grooming its claws in a natural way.
Cosy hiding place: a spacious cave with an oval entrance offers your cat a protected space where it can retreat and relax whenever it needs to.
Interactive fun and play: The Emmy Cat Tree is equipped with a plush play ball on an elastic strap. This encourages your cat to play and chase, even if you don't have time to spend with it.
Comfortable place to lie: the reclining bed with raised edge offers a cosy and safe place for your cat to sleep, with two additional lying surfaces to choose from.