Delizia® Treat Cube Classic

The healthy treat for your horse – tasty and natural!

  • made from premium-quality grain with natural mineral and vitamin content
  • available in different flavours

The delicious treat!

Ref. no.FlavourContentsPU
325005Banana1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325006Banana3 kg / Bucket11
325007Apple1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325008Apple3 kg / Bucket11
325009Raspberry1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325010Raspberry3 kg / Bucket11
325017Liquorice1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325018Liquorice3 kg / Bucket11
325057Strawberry1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325058Strawberry3 kg / Bucket11
325123Vanilla / Cherry1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325124Vanilla / Cherry3 kg / Bucket11
325131Carrot1 kg / Pouch1/121/12
325132Carrot3 kg / Bucket11

Analytical constituents