Chicken mineral mix: the mineral mixture specifically prevents deficiency symptoms. The quartz stones it contains ensure good digestion. As chickens have no teeth, they need small stones to process their food well.
Valuable source of calcium: the shell limestone it contains is a high-quality source of calcium, which is essential for good bone growth. The targeted addition can prevent deficiency symptoms and increase the chicken's well-being.
For solid eggshells: the added lime in the mineral mixture contributes to the formation of stable, firm eggshells. The administration of lime feed can prevent eggs from breaking and yolkless eggs.
With high-quality aniseed oil: in addition to minerals, the supplementary feed contains aniseed oil. Aniseed improves the absorption of nutrients. Chickens like the taste and smell of aniseed, which means that they accept the supplementary feed very well.
Suitable for all types of poultry and chicks: thanks to its fine structure, IdaPlus Mineral Grit Mix is also suitable for chicks. For newly hatched chicks, the mixture can be ground even finer in a mortar to meet the animals' needs.