Disinfectant and film-forming: UdderoDip Jod is a disinfectant and film-forming teat dip based on iodine that ensures maximum hygiene and protection of the skin and teat canal after milking.
Caring and moisture-regulating: UdderoDip Jod has a caring and moisture-regulating effect, thereby keeping teats and udder skin moist and supple.
Ready-to-use solution: The iodine-containing dipping agent is supplied as a ready-to-use solution which can be used very easily with a dip cup.
Maximum protection for every milking: The powerful combination of the dip's active ingredients ensures maximum hygiene and protection during every milking.
Versatile in use: UdderoDip Jod is suitable for cows, sheep and goats and complies with the requirements of applicable European organic regulations.